How Should I Market My Hair Business?

I love finding new ways to sell my hair Constantly thinking outside of the box I’m a big fan of passive income

What I mean by that is if I can get 1,000 people to see my hair without me passing out 1 card, i'm doing something right.


The best way to do this is through a Facebook Group or a website. I highly recommend using Squarespace to make your website.

Its extremely easy and if you want to pay someone else to make it its really cheap


Remember in the other section I wanted you to come up with a short or abbreviated name that was easy to remember?

This is why

We have to find the right domain name.

And it also has to be easy for people to remember So your website is done and is now public

but your not getting any traffic which means your not getting any online sales. Don’t worry.


There is a whole lot of information out there on how to rank in google and get more traffic but I'm not going to overload you with SEO knowledge.


I will say that the easiest way to gain more traffic is to write quality content on what you know and/or passionate about.

You will eventually build a community and you will always have traffic. Remember

Traffic doesn't always equal sales.

A rule of thumb, out of 1,000 visitors a month, 1 person will buy hair, and you will have about 10 abandoned carts. Always have a gallery on your website showcasing real people wearing your hair.

Don't use stock images in your gallery section I've seen this on many new sites.

Even if you pay models to wear your hair.

If it looks like a stock photo, don't put it in the gallery section

If you need pictures the cheapest way to do this, is buy the most expensive camera you can afford, take the pictures and return it within 5-7 days.


When it comes to social media marketing Instagram takes the cake.

Ive sold more hair and connected to more salons through instagram than facebook

In my opinion when it comes to hair, facebook is a tool used more so to get people to follow you on instagram. Passing out cards is another way to market so I don't need to really go in depth with that.

As soon as your business starts growing, marketing will cost nothing Marketing is more effective when you are first starting out

Dwayne MoriseComment