Pegasus Hair
Honest Reviews from over 10,000 “Hair Money Making Guides” Facebook Members.
I honestly love it, only issue I had was that it did start to shed a lil bit. Not a lot tho
Definitely trash!
Its not good
I didn’t like them. It was no tangling but shedding and fly always on a wig I purchased
Flyaway crazy
Leave Pegasus alone
I purchased from them last December. The hair lasted me about 2-3months I still have it. I’ll make a wig out of it. Their HD lace is good the hair itself is okay. Ain’t the worst but not the best. It lift the hair to a level 6-7 (I tried it on both straight and curly) they curls were still present. It doesn’t shed that much BUT BOY IT TANGLES (yes it shed when you de tangle but overall it doesn’t shed that much) you welcome
I’m in another group and somebody ordered a wig it was the worst wig ive ever saw someone receive .. sooooo many split ends it was so trash short hairs sticking out everywhere a ton of short hairs
Don’t do it
Yup. Hair tangle bad
It Tangles!
I purchased from them back In December for my bday I kept the hair until first week of March. I don’t remember what grade I tried🤔 but it was body wave and took their HD lace. I was going to use them but decided not to 1. I didn’t like how the hair didn’t lift to a proper 8-9 like I wished it would 3. Didn’t like how the curls I made only lasted a day or 2 2. The reviews I’ve been saying scared me off.
I had a bad experience with Pegasus. Order hair never received it, took 3 months for them to resend hair still never received it. And then she just stopped responding so I had to take that lost. So I never got the hair, kinda scared to order from them again.
I’ve order from them I did a bulk order and the hair was pretty good closure where thick straight hair great so was body wave I order deep wave I wore it typical curly hair very tight curls a little shedding hair was great just dye it turned it good also all the hair was 8 A I would just order 9a you should be fine
Don’t do it. So many bad reviews and when I ordered it was terrible. Matted quick and their communication is horrible
Pegasus hair is really bad. I ordered from them and they advertised silky quality hair and wigs. When I order I asked for 9A hair they said the highest they had was 8A.(even thou the advertised 9A). Soon as I took it out the package it was shedding like a dog. NEVER AGAIN!
I just posted them in my group 😹😹 TERRIBLE hair . Decent HD lace .
Don t do pegasus.Horrible hair
Worst hair I have ever purchased. They advertise really good but soon as you receive the hair it sheds badly.
Terrible lol. The deep wave i bought from them dreaded up after the 3rd wash
PegSus is not good
Hair is TRASH. Matts & Sheds like crazy
I buy from Pegasus, their 9a and 10a is really good, poor communication tho
I ordered from them and it was good the first time and the second time, the hair was shedding very bad soon as I took it out of the packaging. I won’t be ordering again😒 her videos make it look so tempting to buy, but DONT.
oh cause I always order 9A and 10A and it’s fine, never had any problems or complaints everyone else who complains about their hair always say they order 7 or 8A