Honest Reviews from over 10,000 “Hair Money Making Guides” Facebook Members.
Make sure it’s the blue band and nothing else
yeah I’m noticing that they are really expensive but I haven’t heard anything bad about them yet quality wise
Lol... KBL... I ask Them about the smell and they said it was due to the pollution. They be using some good chemicals on there hair... Fact is they are widely used.🤭
KBL HAIR: honest opinion.....the hair gets straight and is very nice and silky and is very thick (this is their XR hair....and machine made and double wedges) BUT the way the hair feels when you wash it will make you think the hair isn’t good. It doesn’t have the silk texture to it when washing it and it just feels very matted BUT once you blow dry and straighten it....it feels like brand new!
it stinks and the hair just started tangling out of nowhere 😭😭very poor grade
that smell again. They been having smelling issues since 2013... Does’t work for me. No time to washing bundles. I like to move inventory..
They must be using chemicals other manufacturer are not using. I just hope it’s safe.
Thanks for the update.I was given those prices also and I heard the hair is really good (blue band not XR) but with those prices you have to make yours higher to make a profit
they told me the smell was from disinfectant! 😆 im thinking it because they have so much hair in their factory.....sometimes it might get wet or sum idk....but honestly im not a fan of KBL . the hair is a percentage of human hair but i dont believe its 100%. its decent hair...but definitely not for the price! somebody point me to where the celebrities buy hair from plz!
i had both blue bands and xr to me the blue bands is the best
I only ordered the XR. a girl I sold the hair too was complaining that it shedded too much. hair felt good to me otherwise.
The xr hair has a really harsh smell to it but the blue band hair is really nice no shedding and takes dye really good
I’ve heard it’s nice , but too expensive to make profit... depending on your target audience
I used to get my hair from KBL but their quality has really dropped over the years😫
So update on the hair. It’s been about 2 weeks. The hair still looks good! I have had minimal shedding so far. I’m going to be ordering a few body wave and loose wave bundles and closure. So far, I really like it. Curious to know how the other pattern go
Hair smells like mildew😩the curly does atleast
Kbl is really good they are pricey
Yes the hair does have an initial smell, but they have good quality. Price is too expensive though.
I don’t like the smell of the xr hair but their blue band hair is nice but pricey
That hair performs 100% better of you wash it first.
My experience with them. The hair was garbage. Shedded all over the place. They told me to wash it. That made it worse. Interested to know how yours turn out.
the XR was okay after a while it starts to look raggedy 😂the the blue rubber band was better . It’s more like real hair , you have to wash it like every 10 or so days or it’ll look super dirty